Tuesday, May 1, 2012

(April 17)
I woke with the thought of you instantly in my head.
This thought was more painful then usual.
I looked at the calender and saw the date.
I won’t lie, I did cry as I became more lucid with the thought of the date now in my head.
Thinking about what had happened exactly a year ago with you.
But remember, It was that special to me.
I don’t know if it was for you…But, I hope it was.
These days are getting longer and longer. And so is the distance between you and I.
I wish it wasn’t like this.
I wish your voice wasn’t a sound track in my head.
Telling me things that hurt. Telling me things that heal.
I’m caught on this web again. The web I was stuck to when you found me.
Not sure if I should turn left or right.
Only this time. I.m not afraid to choose.
I wish you could see who I am now.
Even though it hasn’t been very long.
I feel like I’ve spent a thousand lives without you.
If your reading this
Its not meant to make sense
Or be poetic.
Its just my thoughts.
I’m writing down.
So they aren’t left in my head clouding me.